Firefox Webmaster Eklentileri

Web uygulamaları geliştirenlerin işine yarayabileceğini düşündüğüm önemli Firefox eklentileri.

  1. change user agent for certain sites : User Agent Switcher
  2. find the color code of a given pixel : ColorZilla
  3. capture screenshots : ScreenGrab!
  4. capture screenshots : Pearl Crescent Page Saver
  5. check the validity of links on a page : LinkChecker
  6. copy and format selected text/title/url : Copy URL+
  7. debug ajax/css/html/javascript : FireBug
  8. debug javascript : JavaScript Debugger
  9. download an entire website : SpiderZilla
  10. edit CSS stylesheet : EditCSS
  11. find whois information of the site : domainFinder
  12. inspect the DOM of HTML, XUL, and XML pages : DOM Inspector
  13. inspect the selected element with DOM Inspector : InspectThis
  14. measure pixel width with a ruler : MeasureIt
  15. modify http/https headers and post parameters : Tamper Data
  16. preview the Adsense ads that might be shown on a page : Adsense Preview
  17. run automated tests on a site : TestGen4Web
  18. see anchors on the page : Show Anchors
  19. see color contrast page information : Colour Contrast Analyser
  20. see cookie information for a page : View Cookies
  21. see current page’s heading structure in a sidebar : Document Map
  22. see errors categorizxed by type : Console2
  23. see GET and POST parmeters of the page : UrlParams
  24. see how a page will look on mobile screen : Small Screen Rendering XPI
  25. see http headers of a page : Header Monitor
  26. see IP address of the site : ShowIP
  27. see web development references in a sidebar : DevBoi
  28. see Xpath information : XPather
  29. simulate WAP browsing by viewing WML : wmlbrowser
  30. test nightly versions of Firefox : Nightly Tester Tools
  31. validate html : HTML Validator
  32. view css styles; view html in another app; validate css/htmlWeb Developer
  33. view page html source constructs directly on the page : X-Ray
  34. view rendered source : View Source Chart
  35. view source with an externall app : ViewSourceWith
  36. write lorem ipsum content for test page : LoremIpsum Content Generator
  37. Back to Top of the Page
  38. Suggestions/Corrections : Comment in blog : wordpress : I want a Firefox Extension to …

Yazar: Özgür Koca

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